Guest blog: Badgers - nothing is black and white
On 5th March the Government announced it would phase out its intensive badger culling strategy and move more towards non-lethal interventions, such as cattle vaccination. Does this mean there is…
European badger
Badgers are the UK’s largest land predator and are one of the most well-known British species. They are famed for their black and white stripes and sturdy body, using their strong front paws to…
What to feed hedgehogs and badgers
Putting out a bit of food can help see mammals like hedgehogs through colder spells.
Honeygar FAQs
Somerset Wildlife Trust responds to new badger cull licences
The new licenses will allow badgers to be shot and killed over the next four years, despite a lack of evidence that killing badgers reduces the spread of bovine TB in cattle.
Barn owl FAQs
An Open Letter to Somerset MPs about the extension of Badger Cull areas to the whole of Somerset
Somerset Wildlife Trust, Somerset Badger Group, Avon Wildlife Trust and Devon Wildlife Trust have joined forces to raise concern to local MPs about the extension of badger culling licenses in…
My office
Gary is the Badger Edge Vaccination Scheme (BEVS) Project Manager for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. He is injecting badgers to protect them against bovine tuberculosis (bTB) to help curb the…
Dog walking FAQ
Wilder Gardens FAQ
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