Action for Insects
This full day session will cover basic insect identification and advice on proactive steps to encourage insect diversity into local green spaces including gardens.
Community Action Resources
Take Action for Nature
Supporting action for a Wilder Mendip
A common tree, ash is familiar to many of us for its autumnal bunches of winged seeds, called 'keys'. It can be found in woodlands and prefers damp and fertile soils.
Ash dieback
Somerset communities call for greater action on climate adaptation
A new report, produced by the Adapting the Levels project, has revealed that communities on the Somerset Levels are united in their desire for increased action on climate adaptation.
Somerset communities to take the lead on local action for wildlife
Somerset Wildlife Trust launches new project to support local communities and young people across Somerset to take community-led action for nature.
More action needed to combat – and cope with – avian flu
The Wildlife Trusts call for a new approach to poultry farming
The worldwide pandemic of avian flu is having a devastating effect on UK birds – the tragic effects of the disease are being…
Upland mixed ash wood
Beautiful displays of flowers spread under the gentle shade of unfurling ash leaves in spring, while in winter the abundant ferns and mosses mean these small, rocky woods retain a watery greenness…