Barn owl webcam

false - TJELLIS

Barn owls in the Blackdown Hills: Livestream

Welcome to the barn owl livestream

The barn owl box in the Blackdown Hills is regularly inhabited by Finn and Trude. We were delighted that they came back last year to use the box, with four more beautiful owlets successfully fledging. 

As last year's owlets were getting ready to fledge in June 2024 we invited Roger Dickey, a BTO licensed bird ringer to ring them before they did. This process provides important information that underpins conservation work for owls in the same way as for all other birds.

Thank you for coming with us on this journey, we hope you will enjoy watching them again this year. Why not keep in touch by signing up for key event email updates from the barn owl box in 2025? Sign up today!

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Disclaimer: This camera is a live and unedited webcam feed of wild barn owls. Natural events may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. Additionally, some owlets may not survive due to weather extremes or limited food availability. Our policy is to allow nature to play out without disruption or interference. SWT will not intervene with routine natural events. Ringing of barn owlets will take place when it is determined that owlets are healthy, to keep track of barn owl movements and mortality. If you have a problem viewing the stream, please try refreshing your screen.

WildNet - Matthew Roberts

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Barn owl


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