Keep up to date with the latest stories, research, projects and challenges as we work to tackle the climate and nature crisis.
Scots pine
The Scots pine is the native pine of Scotland and once stood in huge forests. It suffered large declines, however, as it was felled for timber and fuel. Today, it is making a comeback - good news…
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Winter is coming
Whether or not that is welcome news for you, there is no denying the inevitable arrival of winter.
Waking up to Water Quality
Stay of execution for bees in 2021
Today’s announcement that a banned neonicotinoid will not be used on sugar beet is good news – but does not halt the risk to wildlife in future years
Waking up to water quality
It won't have escaped your notice that the diminishing quality of our waters - both around our coastline and inland has been hitting news headlines recently. From water companies being fined…
How to use less plastic
Plastic waste and its damaging effect on our seas and natural world has been big news recently. Here's what you can you do about it.
An update on our Westhay Moor land purchase
As you may already know, at the end of August, we shared the news that we were successful in raising the £60,000 needed to buy and restore 11 vital acres of land at our Westhay Moor National…
Get the drop on COP
COP26 is nearly upon us, having been delayed from 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. You may have heard it referenced in the news or even in passing on the street, but the name gives little away.…