Wildlife gardening myth buster

Wildlife gardening myth buster

As gardeners, we like to think we are close to the land and doing our bit for the environment. Unfortunately the modern horticultural industry can come at a huge environmental cost. Here, we've done some wildlife gardening myth-busting, so you don't have to!
Assorted primrose in different colours

All plants are good plants... False

Heated green houses, peat based compost, plastic pots and chemical sprays mean that before the plant even gets to you it's come at a significant cost to the environment. Some plant species still widely available in garden centres can also be invasive, so care must be taken.

What's more, highly cultivated varieties such as very colourful "bedding" primulas, busy lizzies and "double flowering" varieties leave our pollinators hungry. Instead buy from local, peat-free nurseries or grow from seed, and choose a mix of heritage varieties, open flowers and natives. 

Brown Soil in Orange Plastic Bucket

"Reduced Peat" is good enough... False

You may see the words "reduced peat" on bagged compost and potted plants. Unfortunately this just isn't good enough. Reduced peat can still contain 50% peat! 

Peat extraction is environmental vandalism on a huge scale, damaging rare and precious habitats and releasing tons of carbon into the atmosphere. None of which can be mitigated be using in our gardens. Find out more about avoiding peat in your garden here

Common chaffinch

Planting native is best... Partly true

Native wildflower and tree species have evolved alongside our native fauna and including native species in your planting scheme is hugely beneficial to wildlife. But, the RHS found that including a range of carefully chosen non-native garden varieties also provides benefits, particularly for pollinators. What's more, as our seasons become more unpredictable, non-native plant species can help extend the season and provide pollen at times when wildflowers may be scarce but insects are still on the wing. Gardens are particularly important for helping to sustain a range of generalist species such as recognisable garden birds and butterflies which are increasingly struggling in the wider landscape. 

However, this does not apply in the areas beyond your garden or growing space. For example, verges, churchyards, woodlands and nature reserves. You should never introduce species into these areas - this includes planting bulbs or seeding "wildflower bombs" - without having surveyed the area and secured landowner permission. Whilst planting in these spaces is usually well intentioned, these habitats are delicate ecosystems and may be home to rarer specialist species (such as habitat specific orchids, bumblebees and birds) which can only survive in certain conditions, and can be easily outcompeted by introductions. 

compost pile in a garden

Untidy is best... Partly true

Areas of long grass, hedges allowed to grow and bloom, log piles and leaf litter... all of these features will provide benefits for wildlife. However, you can incorporate these into your garden in an intentional way. A formal herbaceous border can also be excellent for pollinators, and tidy water features can still be excellent for wildlife providing they include some sloping sides and native vegetation. One of the reasons gardens are so beneficial for wildlife is because of active management and the range of species encouraged, rather than letting one dominant species (such as nettles or bramble) take over. 

Dried teasel plant growing in nature in summer day

We need to provide homes for wildlife... True(ish)

Bird feeders, hedgehog houses and bee hotels have become popular additions to many gardens. Whilst these can be lovely features to include in your outdoor space, wildlife won’t make use of them unless your garden is attractive in other ways. And in some cases, ‘artificial’ food and nesting areas can actually cause unintended harmful impacts on wildlife populations, by benefiting more competitive species or harbouring diseases. 
The priority should first be to create natural features — corridors between gardens, growing nuts, seeds and berries, creating shelter with trees and shrubs, creating hedgehog habitats with logs and brash piles, and potential nesting areas by growing vertically along fence lines.

Garden filled with bright colourful flowers in pots and containers

Gardens of any size can benefit wildlife.... True!

Big or small, all our gardens and growing spaces can have value for wildlife as stepping stones and fuelling stations. Studies have shown that what we choose to plant is actually more important than the size of the garden. In urban spaces gardens provide approximately 85% of nectar available to pollinators!