Wilder Lives
Spending time outdoors, connecting with nature, has so many benefits to our mental and physical health. There are also things we can change in our everyday lives that will - either directly or indirectly - have positive impacts on wildlife, from our recycling habits, to how we travel and what we buy. We can also decide to share our spaces with wildlife – whether you have a window box or a a small or large garden. There are so many ways we can make our homes and gardens more wild and wonderful.
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Access to nature can be a powerful tool for helping people learn new skills, gain confidence, relax, communicate with others and be present – which can all help to manage and improve mental health and wellbeing.Wilder Lives Manager
Nurturing nature connections
Every step we take matters. Small actions add up and can make a huge difference for wildlife. Join Team Wilder to learn new ways you can get involved in taking action for nature, building a personal connection to nature, being conscious of it on a daily basis, and incorporating a nature based experience in to your daily routines.
Change your energy use
Energy used in buildings accounted for around 20% of total UK emissions in 2022. Reducing your household energy use by switching to a…
How to feed birds in your garden
Find out how to attract birds into your garden all year round.
Change what you eat
Eat more plant-based foods, reduce your food waste and buy local produce to shrink your environmental footprint.