
Sophie Cooper
Young People
Building lifelong connections to nature
Children are happier, healthier and more creative when they’re connected to nature – and the same goes for adults. It's vital that today's children and young people have the opportunities to form life-long connections to their natural world. We want to help people of all ages bring nature into your everyday, connecting with the natural world and being inspired to act on behalf of nature.
Passion is lifted from the earth itself by the muddy hands of the young; it travels along grass-stained sleeves to the heart. If we are going to save environmentalism and the environment, we must also save an endangered indicator species: the child in nature.Author of Last Child in the Woods, Vitamin N, and Our Wild Calling.
Supporting tomorrow's natural leaders
Today's young people are tomorrow's business leaders, politicians, environmentalists and decision makers. It starts with providing every child with the opportunity to enjoy and experience nature, so they can grow into the nature advocates of the future!
Our Youth offer is aimed at for people aged 14-24. Whether you want to join a careers day, take part in volunteering or get involved with our youth forum – we would love to hear from you.
Wildlife Watch clubs
Our Wildlife Watch clubs are for children and their families, to make friends with other nature-lovers and have lots of fun taking part in practical nature activities - from pond dipping to wildlife safaris.
Family Fun - Bridgwater Watch Club
Join Watch nature club aimed at children ages 6-12, for a freshwater exploration & Frog and Toad count!
Family Fun - Bridgwater Watch Club
Join Watch nature club aimed at children ages 6-12, for Freshwater Exploration & Frog and Toad count!
Nettlecombe Court Wildlife Watch Group (April)
Nettlecombe Court Wildlife Watch Group meets at Nettlecombe Court Field Studies Centre on every second Saturday of the month.