Become a Patron

Bittern wading through wetlands

Photo: Jamie Hall

support us

Become a Patron

Path 356 Copy 2
1,000 pays for thinning of 150 woodland trees
1,500 pays for 300m of fencing to enclose grazing cattle
2,000 hectares of beautiful natural spaces
2,600 a day to manage our nature reserves

Be at the heart of our work

For over 50 years, Somerset Wildlife Trust has been working to ensure Somerset is a wildlife-rich and habitat-diverse county. Through its own nature reserves, and working with landowners and local communities, the county’s wild landscapes and fragile habitats are being restored and maintained for the benefit of wildlife and people. With biodiversity declining in all but a few protected sites plus the effects of climate change, our work is even more relevant today that it was when the Trust was founded, hence the introduction of our Patron scheme.

We had supported Somerset Wildlife Trust as members for many years and were therefore aware of the great work that they do across our region. We felt as though we should and could go further and became patrons because we are in the fortunate position to be able to commit a little more. However, doing so has also brought us closer to the Trust, enabling us to learn much more about their activities and the complex decisions that they often have to make. The events that they run for the patrons provide not only great opportunities to learn more about the natural world and its conservation, but they have also allowed us to spend time with the staff, including our CEO, giving us a greater feeling of connectedness and a chance to feed in our views.
Neil and Sarah Williams
Joint Patrons

Patrons have the opportunity to enjoy a close and special relationship with Somerset Wildlife Trust,  meeting the people involved in conservation delivery, and getting a behind the scenes glimpse at some of our most vital work.

In appreciation of their generous support, Patrons receive:

  • Exclusive invitations for themselves and a guest to events around the county and beyond, to see work in progress and the end results.
  • An opportunity to meet our Chief Executive Officer at the annual Patrons’ lunch to learn of our future plans and to feedback their thoughts on our work.
  • Bespoke updates about Somerset Wildlife Trust’s work.
  • A complimentary copy of the twice-yearly magazine, Somerset Wildlife.
  • Acknowledgement of their support on the Trust's website and in the Annual Report and Accounts (or anonymity if preferred).
Chief Executive Officer Georgia Dent

Georgia Dent

A message from our CEO

“I am acutely aware of the importance of our Patrons’ scheme. Not only are we able to take on new challenges every year thanks to their generosity, but meeting them at the annual Patrons' lunch and hearing their views, reminds me of how many passionate and committed people we have in the county that are committed to ensuring our wildlife thrives. The support of this group of donors is central to our future success and I look forward to welcoming others to the scheme.”

Georgia Stokes, Chief Executive Officer

As a Patron, you will help us continue: 


  • Ensure Somerset has a working landscape that has nature at its heart, where both people and wildlife can thrive
  • Use our specialist knowledge to create a nature recovery network across Somerset, including by managing and restoring our nature reserves for a diverse range of wildlife
  • Act as a catalyst and inspiration for local communities and organisations to work together in achieving this vision for Somerset
  • Stand up for nature in local policy and planning decisions, and working nationally with The Wildlife Trust movement
  • Involve people of all ages and backgrounds in our work inspiring them to value nature and improving their health and wellbeing 

You can become a Patron of Somerset Wildlife Trust for just £83 a month or £1,000 a year, and if you Gift Aid your Patronage, your donation will go even further at no extra cost to you. There is also the option of becoming a Patron for Life and jointly with your partner.

Individual Patrons                                                                                  £83/month* or £1,000/year                                                                                            
Joint Patrons** £125/month* or £1,500/year
Life Patronage £10,000
Joint Life Patronage** £15,000


* amount if paid by direct debit
**if living at the same address

Become a patron

To enjoy a close and special relationship with Somerset Wildlife Trust, please download the application form below and return it to our Patrons Manager: Lucy Marsh, Somerset Wildlife Trust, 34 Wellington Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 5AW.


Bluebells - Lara Howe

Thank you to our life patrons

Phillipa Archer

Justin and Victoria Ash

Mark and Marnie Franklin

Tim and Dede Sanderson

Lucy Starling

Giles Woodward



Daffodils - Chris Chappell

Thank you to our annual patrons

David and Dana Buchan, Dudley Cheesman, John Deverell CBE, Dame Margaret Drabble, James and Alka Hughes-Hallett, Stanley and Jennifer Johnson, Ann Jones, Julia Manning, Jean Mantle, Rohan and Lily Masson-Taylor, Peter Morris, Mark O'Neill, Nigel and Janet Phillips, John Poingdestre, Caroline Rathbone, Gill and Rickards and Simon Hart, Laura Roberts, Janet Robinson and Paul Groom, Paul Sheppard and Lucy Dunford, Paul and Mona Sinclair, Jane Taylor, Patrick Thomson, Chris and Maria Thring, Robert Unwin, Sarah Warren, Neil and Sarah Williams.


We would like to thank all our Patrons including those who wish to remain anonymous for their invaluable support of Somerset Wildlife Trust. Your help enables the Trust to take on new challenges every year.

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about the scheme or renew an existing Patronage, please contact Lucy on 01823 652441 or email

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