Take Action for Nature

WildNet - Clive Nichols

Take Action for Nature

Be part of Team Wilder within your community or group, bringing about the change nature needs together.

The science of Team Wilder

In order for nature to recover, we need many more people on nature’s side. The science shows that if just one person in every four (25%) visibly takes action, this can be enough to change the minds and behaviour of the majority. By taking visible action for nature, no matter how small, you can make an impact and invite more wildlife back into our lives.

We need to create a strong, interconnected network of wild spaces and healthy habitats that provide space for nature to thrive. Land of any size can contribute to this Nature Recovery Network – nature reserves, community spaces, gardens, farms, parks, churchyards and schools – it works at any scale.

With your help, we can put nature into recovery, create more space for wildlife to thrive, and reduce the pressure on the environment. This has to be a joint effort. We all have different skills, knowledge, and experience to offer. And we’ve got resources, events, training and advice to help get you started...

European hare
(Lepus europaeus)
in field feeding
UK - Andy Rouse/2020VISION

Wilder Land & Farming

Farmers and land owners are vital to nature's recovery and many are already leading the way in making space for wildlife. 

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A raised bed in a garden with vegetables growing

Photo: Tom Marshall

Wilder Gardens and Allotments

If we all gave a little bit more space for wildlife within our gardens and allotments, just imagine how much habitat we would create overall for nature!

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Flowers in grassland

Flowers in grassland - Emma Bradshaw

Private and Community Nature Reserve Network

Set up to support owners, land managers and community groups who are keen to conserve wildlife on their land.

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I do have reasons for hope: Our clever brains, the resilience of nature, the indomitable human spirit, and above all, the commitment of young people when they’re empowered to take action.
Jane Goodall
Biologist and conservationist  

Explore our Wilder Resource Library

There is so much information available online it can be overwhelming and not always clear which advice to trust! So, we’ve collated a library of resources which are created or recommended by Somerset Wildlife Trust staff.

Maybe you want to find out how to set up a community group, engage with the planning system or launch a campaign. Or perhaps you’re looking for guidance about tree planting, meadow creation or hedgerow management.

We’ve got advice sheets, template documents, webinars and case studies. You are also welcome to get in touch directly.

Explore our resource library

Get in touch teamwilder@somersetwildlife.org

Wildflower ID session attendees gathered under a tree

Hannah Paddison

Wilder Churches and burial grounds

Wilder Churches is a partnership initiative between Somerset Wildlife Trust and the Diocese of Bath and Wells. Could you help bring your community together to create more space for nature in your local church yard?

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Urban wildlife flowers

Urban planted flowers in derelict housing plots with family, Sheffield - Paul Hobson

Wilder Communities

You may already be a part of an existing community group taking action for nature, or you may be looking to set your own one up.

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Avalon School Green Influencers filling up bird feeder

Avalon School Green Influencer filling up bird feeder with different food sources that will attract different species of bird.

Team Wilder

Wilder School grounds

Create space for nature in your school ground and enjoy the benefits of happier, healthier children!

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Our current projects

Anyone can take action for nature! Our Team Wilder advice, resources and events are open to all.

To help us deliver our overall goal of 1 in 4 people taking action for nature we also work on themed projects across the county focussing on specific areas. Thank you to our funders and supporters for making this happen. Find out about our current projects below.

See all projects

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Become a member

Join over 22,000 members who have made supporting nature part of their everyday life.  Get involved in activities and events, visit wonderful nature reserves, and directly contribute to preserving Somerset’s natural spaces and safeguarding vulnerable wildlife across the county.

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