Celebrating our wonderful volunteers

Celebrating our wonderful volunteers

We are very lucky to have over 350 volunteers across nearly 40 different roles here at Somerset Wildlife Trust.

We depend on the support of our volunteers who donate their time, skills and experience to us, and we simply wouldn’t be able to do our work without them. 

With Volunteers Week happening from the 3rd – 9th June, we wanted to take the opportunity to say a huge thank you to each and every one of our volunteers. From surveying Somerset’s coastline to reviewing planning applications, our wonderful volunteers support nearly every team across the Trust. They support with practical tasks on reserves, monitor a variety of species across the county, monitor pollution in our rivers, lead Wildlife Watch groups, and that’s not even the half of it! 

Water Guardian Christine water sampling – taken by Bryony Slaymaker

Water Guardian Christine water sampling – taken by Bryony Slaymaker 

Last year alone, our volunteers collectively contributed over 12,500 hours of their time and we couldn’t be more grateful. This is no small feat, particularly when this includes many hours spent outside in the worst of the winter weather! 

Volunteer group dry stone walling – taken by Ben Wolstencroft

Volunteer group dry stone walling – taken by Ben Wolstencroft 

Thinking about joining our wonderful team of volunteers? If you’d like to get involved and volunteer with us, please visit Volunteering | Somerset Wildlife Trust where you can find all our current volunteering opportunities, plus details on how to get in touch.