Bogs not bags

Bogs not bags



Make some noise for peat!

Let's get the Government delivering on its promise!

Last year we asked you to 'make some noise' to get a clause in a government Bill removed - one that would have automatically revoked most retained EU law at the end of last year - including important legislation which protects our most precious sites and species. We asked and YOU delivered the noise and volume needed to bring about change - the clause was removed

We need you to make some noise again this week - this time to hold the government to its promise of banning the sale of retail peat. 

In 2022 the Government committed to end the retail sale of peat compost by the end of this year. So far they have not brought forward any legislation to achieve this.  Somerset is one of only 2 places in England where peat extraction is STILL allowed to take place - but at the same time, the Government is funding peat restoration in the county because it is vital to delivery of legally binding environmental and climate targets.

Peat must stay in the ground and the Government must provide more support to peat extractors to transition to more sustainable business models. On Friday 7th June  MP Theresa Villiers is pitching a Ten Minute Members' Bill for a retail peat ban - along with hundreds of Bills that need airing before Parliament closes for summer. This Bill needs to be heard, and adopted by government in order to make the ban on the retail sale of peat a reality this year. If they can't do this simple thing, how can we trust them to uphold any other in this, an election year?

Let's make some NOISE!

Let the Government know how you feel and help the Bill be heard by doing one or both of these two simple things - it will only take a minute and we KNOW that it works.

Action 1

Send an email!

Cut and paste the text provided below this box (feel free to ad lib!), and send it in an email to Rebecca Pow, Rishi Sunak and Steve Barclay. We need a flood of emails all saying the same thing in their inboxes. It'll take less than a minute to do. 

Rebecca Pow

Stephen Barclay

To contact Rishi Sunak, you'll need to use the form linked below!

Contact No. 10

Action 2

Get social on X

Secondly, if you are on X (formerly known as Twitter), we're asking you to paste this text into a post and to share it...

Dear @Conservatives, please keep your promise to ban the sale of horticultural peat this year. Support Theresa Villiers' Members Bill! #BogsNotBags @pow_rebecca @RishiSunak @SteveBarclay


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Dear Rebecca, Steve and Rishi

Two years ago, the UK Government promised to ban the sale of horticultural peat to amateur gardeners by 2024. 95% of the public support for this action.

However, this promise has not made it into legislation, and there are no plans for a ban in 2024.

Habitat destruction is a key driver of species decline and the ongoing failure to protect peatlands is hampering our ability to tackle climate change, with emissions from degraded peatlands now making up 4% of total UK greenhouse gas emissions.

The Private Members Bill tabled by the Rt Hon Theresa Villiers presents the government with the perfect opportunity to deliver the ban as promised. Along with the Wildlife Trusts, I urge you to support this Bill and make this a priority to end the destructive trade in horticultural peat.

You will be judged by the electorate on whether you have kept your promises in this general election year.

Yours sincerely,

What Sian Russell, our Peatland Partnership Project Coordinator thinks...

What some of Somerset's expert gardeners and growers think...

We know that whether you get a reply to that email or not, it's making noise that works. So please take some time to support this bill today. Thank you.