Aller & Beer Woods

Footpath through bluebells in Aller Woods taken by Mark Green

Aller Woods - Mark Green

Aller & Beer Woods

The wild woods of Aller and Beer not only provide a cool refuge to explore in the summer sun but also outstanding views across Aller Moor towards Kings Sedgemoor on the Somerset Levels.


Aller and Beer Woods,
Turnhill Lane,
Off A372
Bere Aller
TA10 0QU

OS Map Reference

ST 412 317
A static map of Aller & Beer Woods

Know before you go

40 hectares

Parking information

Park in Aller village and then on foot along public footpath starting at ST 399 295. Also a small amount of roadside parking at Turn Hill at ST 413 315.

Grazing animals

Sheep on grassland at Turn Hill.


Unsurfaced footpaths with steep steps. Steep slopes and uneven ground.


Under effective control

Visit the 'Dog walking on reserves' page in the Contact section for more information.

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to November

About the reserve

Ancient woodland running along the west facing slope of Aller Hill and with outstanding views across Aller Moor and towards Kings Sedgemoor on the Somerset Levels. The woodland consists principally of Oak and Ash with scattered Small Leaved Lime, Wych Elm, Hazel and Hawthorn.

In the spring, and before the woodland canopy casts a deep shade Herb Paris, Goldilocks Buttercup and Wood Mellick come into flower. Later in the year the scarce Small Teasel flowers appear in open clearings in the wood.

In late summer and autumn this is a good place to look for fungi including the Collared Earthstar. There are active Badger setts within the woodland. Roe deer also occur.

Green woodpecker and Greater Spotted woodpecker breed in the woodland, Marsh tits occur and Woodcock may be seen in winter. Buzzard and Sparrowhawk have nested here and the summer visiting Hobby has been recorded.

The woodland supports a number of butterflies and moths including Silver-washed Fritillary.

Contact us

Somerset Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01823 652400