Huish Moor

Close-up black tailed skimmer on seeded grass stalk

Black Tailed Skimmer - Bob Hastie

Huish Moor

Huish Moor is located one mile south west of the village of Huish Champflower on the Brendon Hills. The reserve comprises neutral grassland and mire and woodland on a north facing slope around the headwaters of the River Tone. The mix of habitats supports many rare and protected species.


Huish Moor,
Huish Champflower

OS Map Reference

ST 034 287
A static map of Huish Moor

Know before you go

12 hectares

Parking information

No formal car park. There is roadside parking in the very narrow lane that runs past the reserve in a layby at ST 036 284. The reserve entrance is just about opposite this layby on the north side of the road.

Grazing animals

The fields are cattle grazed.

Walking trails

Parts of the reserve are uneven and steeply sloping and in wet weather the paths can become muddy and slippery. The mire is extremely wet and boggy all year round. The presence of a large number of old trees does give rise to the possible risk of falling branches etc, especially in windy weather.


Contact the Trust for access information.


On a lead

Visit the 'Dog walking on reserves' page in the Contact section for more information.

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

The reserve is a mixture of neutral grassland and mire and woodland on a north facing slope around the headwaters of the River Tone.

The mire, or bog, is very flowery in spring and summer. Early in the year, before most species have emerged, Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage is conspicuous with its golden/green foliage and flowers. Later Ragged Robin, Marsh Violet, Common Heather, Bilberry, Meadowsweet, Marsh Pennywort, Devils-bit Scabious, Meadow Thistle, Purple Moor-grass, Heath Spotted and Southern Marsh orchids can all be seen.

With so many streams and pools in the area its no wonder this is such a good place to come and see dragonflies. All the following have been seen on the reserve, Golden Ringed Dragonfly, Large Red Damselfly, Azure Damselfly, Banded Demoiselle, Southern Hawker, Migrant Hawker, Broad Bodied Chaser, Four Spotted Chaser, Black Tailed Skimmer and Common Darter.

24 species of butterfly have been recorded and most likely all are breeding in the reserve. They include Common Blue, Small Copper, Green Hairstreak, Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Dark Green Fritillary, Silver-washed Fritillary, Marbled White, Small Heath, Wall, Small Skipper and Dingy Skipper.

Reserve conservation management - Winter scrub control is carried out.

Huish Moor is also close to Haddon Hill, Wimbleball Lake, Haddon Moor Butterfly Conservation Reserve and Exmoor National Park. Clatworthy Reservoir is also in the vicinity.

Contact us

Somerset Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01823 652400

Huish Moor documents