Safeguarding policy

Small tortoiseshell (Aglaise urtica) feeding on garden flowers, UK - Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Safeguarding policy

Somerset Wildlife Trust and its subsidiaries acknowledge their duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults at risk and is committed to ensuring its safeguarding practices reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and best practice within the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts.  “Everyone has a responsibility to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk. We are committed to ensuring their safety and wellbeing is at the heart of our engagement with people.” (1)

This statement recognises that the welfare and interests of children, young people and adults at risk are paramount in all circumstances. It aims to ensure that regardless of age, gender, religion or beliefs, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or socioeconomic background, all children, young people, and adults at risk:

  • have a positive and enjoyable experience during participation in our activities, events, learning and engagement with nature and wildlife, in a safe, person-centred environment.
  • are protected from abuse whilst participating in the activities, events, learning and engagement opportunities provided by Somerset Wildlife Trust and its subsidiaries.

We will not tolerate any form of abuse or neglect within The Wildlife Trusts.

We take all reasonable steps to protect children, young people and adults at risk who visit our sites, take part in our activities, or engage with us online.

We give equal priority to keeping all children, young people, and adults at risk safe from harm, regardless of their age, disability, gender, race, beliefs, sex, or sexual orientation.

We provide our staff, volunteers and trustees with the knowledge and tools to guide them in protecting children, young people, and adults at risk from abuse and neglect and follow safer recruitment practices when recruiting staff and volunteers.

Georgia Dent
CEO, Somerset Wildlife Trust

The policy will be kept under annual review or in the following circumstances:

  • Changes in legislation and/or government guidance   as required by the Local Safeguarding Children Board Due to any other significant change or event.
  • The policy and procedures will be widely promoted and are mandatory for everyone involved in the events, activities, learning and engagement opportunities provided by Somerset Wildlife Trust and its subsidiaries.
  • Somerset Wildlife Trust acknowledges that some children, young people and vulnerable adults, including those with disabilities, can be at risk of neglect, abuse or exploitation and we accept the responsibility to take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure their welfare should staff suspect they are victims or ‘at risk’.