About our Practical Conservation Groups
The practical conservation work groups carry out essential habitat management tasks for the benefit of local wildlife. Tasks are dependent on the season, but include coppicing, fencing or walling, grassland management, managing invasive species and path maintenance.
You don’t need any experience to join in as training will be given, however you do need suitable clothing, to be reasonably physically fit and enjoy being outside in all weathers!
Groups operate all over Somerset on SWT reserves. There are also numerous community-lead groups which also support organisations such as the RSPB and Natural England. In the first instance, please check our map to find groups local to you.
Contact: volunteering@somersetwildlife.org
Find out more about all our current volunteer opportunities here.

Sedgemoor Conservation Volunteers help with coppicing hazel in Great Breach Wood, Somerset - Paul Harris/2020VISION
You’re doing something for nature, something that serves a purpose: protecting the land and the animals and people. You can come back here and look at the wall and say "I took part in that - I helped build it"