Act to Adapt

Somerset Levels

Act to Adapt

Supporting communities across Somerset to adapt to climate change through a series of collaborative events.

Taking steps to adapt to climate change

Somerset is experiencing increased risks from sea level rise and more unpredictable weather patterns that lead to flooding, drought and wildfires. After extreme events like floods or heatwaves, very often the focus is on resilience; being able to bounce back after the damage is done. While learning from these events and building resilience is important, as the climate continues to change these events are happening more often and are becoming more extreme and unpredictable as well as inevitable.

The climate will continue to shift for a long time to come, and we need to find a way to live with these changes. Taking adaptation actions can help limit or avoid the negative effects of climate change, and even maximise any positive opportunities it may present. 

Climate adaptation community projects

Somerset Wildlife Trust’s Act to Adapt process is supporting communities across Somerset to adapt to climate change through a series of collaborative events. Taking the following steps, communities are creating and implementing climate adaptation plans, proactively responding to climate threats in their local area whilst simultaneously building community, supporting local wildlife, and increasing wellbeing.  Why not get in touch and see how your community can get involved?

Contact Natalie Barnett, Climate Adaptation Assistant on

Step one


A workshop to bring local people together to talk about areas at risk from climate change impacts and potential solutions to adapt. This is a community wide effort - every voice and idea is valuable to feed into a climate adaptation plan.

Step two


Through online and in person opportunities, residents will get a chance to provide feedback and suggest other actions to be included in the climate adaptation plan. This will ensure the plan is shaped by local voices and knowledge.

Step three


Bringing residents together to act and implement as many climate adaptations as possible! The plan will be a guide for future action, help track progress and offer advice to ensure adaptations provide the greatest benefit to the community.

Glastonbury's Climate adaptation training event was full of important discussions where we captured essential local knowledge that will be key to developing a strong climate adaptation plan.
Natalie Barnett
Climate Adaptation Assistant, Somerset Wildlife Trust
Jack Bedford and Natalie Barnett presenting their project Act to Adapt

Reaching your community

We're keen to share our knowledge across Somerset, empowering communities to adapt to climate change. Are you interested to find out how you and your community can get involved? Here are some ways to talk, shape and act!

Sign up to our e-newsletter

Contact the team

Download the Climate Adaptation Toolkit 

Download additional Climate Adaptation Toolkit documents:



Latest news

We will be running events in the coming months where you can help shape Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge and Glastonbury’s climate adaptation plans. Come and have your say! 

Act to Adapt


Glastonbury's Climate adaptation training event was full of important discussions where we captured essential local knowledge that will be key to developing a strong climate adaptation plan. Find the short format and draft full plans below. This project is funded by Somerset Rivers Authority.

Read the short plan  Read the full plan

We invite all residents to take our short survey on priorities and perspectives for Glastonbury's Climate Adaptation Plan. Your input will help tailor the strategy to local needs and concerns.

Take part in the survey

Act to Adapt

Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge

We held successful community workshops in October and December 2023 with Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge. People came together to discuss flood preparation and priority actions to feed into their climate adaptation plan. Find the short format and draft full plans below.

Read the short plan  Read the full plan

We invite all residents to take our short survey on priorities and perspectives for Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge's Climate Adaptation Plan. Your input will help tailor the strategy to local needs and concerns.

Take part in the survey


The Act to Adapt: Glastonbury project is funded by Somerset Rivers Authority


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