Community Action Resources

Community garden

Katrina Martin/2020VISION


Community Action

Be part of Team Wilder, bringing about the change nature needs together.

Community Action Pack
Wilder School Grounds Pack
Wilder Churches resources

Wilder Communities Resources

Whether you are part of an existing community group or want to start one of your own to make a difference for nature on your patch, let us help you make things happen. Here are some resources to get you started. 

Find below our brand guidelines for Team Wilder along with poster templates to download for use with Team Wilder events.

Please note: If you are raising money for Somerset Wildlife Trust - please visit our fundraising pages and sign up to receive your fundraising pack and resources.

Wildflower meadow surrounding gravestone

Jen Richards

Wilder Churches

A partnership initiative between Somerset Wildlife Trust and the Diocese of Bath and Wells, aimed at anyone interested in helping wildlife in their local churchyard or burial ground.

Exploring the school grounds

Exploring the school grounds

Wilder Schools

We believe that every child should have the opportunity to experience the joy of wildlife and wild places in their daily life.

Flowers in grassland

Flowers in grassland - Emma Bradshaw

Form a local Friends group

The National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces is the umbrella organisation for area forums and networks of local Friends’ groups for all public green spaces throughout the UK.

Find out how

Team Wilder

In order for nature to recover, we need many more people on nature’s side. The science shows that if just one person in every four (25%) visibly takes action, this can be enough to change the minds and behaviour of the majority. By taking visible action for nature, no matter how small, you can make an impact and invite more wildlife back into our lives.

With your help, we can put nature into recovery, create more space for wildlife to thrive, and reduce the pressure on the environment. This has to be a joint effort. We all have different skills, knowledge, and experience to offer. And we’ve got resources and advice to help get you started...