Brimley Hill Mire

Roundleaved sundew close-up I stock Leszek Wygachiewicz

Roundleaved Sundew - Leszek Wygachiewicz

Brimley Hill Mire

A mire is an area of swampy or boggy ground; Brimley Hill is a delightful spring-line mire site hidden away on the Blackdown Hills surrounded by woodland.


Brimley Hill Mire,
Off Downlands Lane

OS Map Reference

ST 175 141
A static map of Brimley Hill Mire

Know before you go

2 hectares

Parking information

No parking provision. There is limited roadside parking at ST 176 139 which is where a footpath leads into the reserve.

Grazing animals

Grazing every year from May to October.


Open access


On a lead

Visit the 'Dog walking on reserves' page in the Contact section for more information.

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to August

About the reserve

This reserve has some wonderful examples of spring fed mire, also known as bog, plant communities. Ground water running through the Greensand geology below emerges in the reserve and then flows across the surface before running down to join the River Culm.

For such a small site it has tremendous variety of wet ground plants including Bog Pondweed, Bog Pimpernel, Bog Asphodel, Pale Butterwort, Oblong-Leaved and Round-Leaved Sundew. Several species of Sphagnum mosses, known as Bog Mosses, occur where the ground is at its wettest.

This tiny reserve really is a wonderful mosaic of habitats. It even has a fringe of mainly Birch and Rowan woodland around the drier edges of the reserve which is very good for ferns. These include Lady Fern, Hard Fern, Scaly Male Fern, Broad Buckler Fern, Hart's Tongue and Bracken. There is even an old record of Royal Fern. The following mammals have been recorded, Badger, Roe deer and Harvest Mouse. There is a badger set on the bank behind the mire. The dragonflies found here include Keeled Skimmer, Golden-Ringed Dragonfly, Southern Hawker and Blue-Tailed Damselfly. Forty one species of spiders and six species of harvestman have been recorded.

In high summer the white fluffy heads of Common Cottongrass are very distinctive across the mire. Devil's-bit Scabious, Lesser Skullcap and Marsh Violet can also be found on the damper ground. On higher and drier parts of the reserve there is a heath type flora with Purple Moor-Grass, Tufted Hair-Grass, Cross-Leaved Heath, Common Heather, Lousewort and Heath Milkwort.

This is a great place to visit in summer when the flowers are out and the many small pools can have large numbers of dragonflies and damselflies skimming about them.

Reserve conservation management - Periodic grazing with ponies. Rotational scrub clearance to control gorse and scrub and to stop woodland from spreading across the reserve from the woodland edges.


Contact us

Somerset Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01823 652400

Brimley Hill Mire