Volunteering opportunities - Surveying and monitoring

WildNet - Amy Lewis

Volunteering opportunities

Surveying and monitoring

Vital monitoring

Surveying, monitoring and recording species across the county is vital if we are to understand the current state of nature across Somerset and monitor the effects of our efforts to conserve it. 

There are many ways to get involved in species recording, and you don’t have to be an expert to begin with

Honeygar Rangers

Unfortunately, we are not currently recruiting for Honeygar Rangers.

Central to our efforts at Honeygar, our invaluable Honeygar Rangers have been pivotal in ongoing monitoring and conservation efforts. Their unwavering dedication has enabled us to conduct species surveys across a spectrum of taxa, from specialised sessions focused on fungi, plant gall, flies, moths, grasshoppers, and crickets to broader species surveys, hydrological monitoring and managing our Wilder Sensing project.

Please email volunteering@somersetwildlife.org with any queries or questions about this group. 

Specialist Recording Groups

Somerset Wildlife Trust works with a number of specialist interest groups dedicated to conserving and recording Somerset’s rich wildlife, habitats and varied geology. 

Joining these groups is one of the best ways to get actively involved in recording and get support from fellow enthusiasts. You can find out more about each of the counties specialist groups and how to get in touch with them here: Species and habitat groups | Somerset Wildlife Trust


Shoresearch is The Wildlife Trusts' national citizen science survey of the intertidal shore, the exciting world of extremes where the sea meets the land. It's a great way to explore your local coast, learn more about the wildlife found there and add to our understanding of this important habitat.

Volunteers are trained to identify and record the wildlife on shores across the UK. The data collected by this project helps experts to monitor our fragile sea life and better understand the effects of pollution, climate change and invasive alien species. Shoresearch data has been key to designating many of our Marine Conservation Zones.

Keep an eye on the What's On page for monthly surveys or email volunteering@somersetwildlife.org

Sea Watch

The Bristol Channel has a resident population of harbour porpoises as well as being visited by various species of dolphin. 

You can take part in a monitoring programme as volunteer observers through regular surveys along the coast organized by the Somerset Wildlife Trust. We also offer training by Sea Watch experts in how to carry out monitoring and surveying of this important group of sea mammals.

Keep an eye on the What's On page for monthly surveys or email volunteering@somersetwildlife.org


Further information

Wherever possible, we encourage you to volunteer locally to minimise the impact of travel on the environment.  

To see volunteering opportunities and community groups in your local area, check out or Team Wilder map. 

If you have any questions about any of these surveying opportunities, please email volunteering@somersetwildlife.org


Not for you? Other volunteering options:

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