Discover our current projects across the county...
We are involved in lots of projects across the county focussing on various areas from Nature and Habitat and Citizen Science projects to Team Wilder initiatives. You will find our past projects at the bottom of the page.
Dormouse Reconnected
Part of the Network for Nature project, this is an ambitious project to connect fragmented populations of critically rare hazel dormice.
Mendip Facilitation Fund
Bringing groups of farmers and other land managers together to improve the landscape.
Fit for Future
Woodland management project work at our Cheddar Wood Nature Reserve, increasing habitat quality for dormice, wildflowers and butterfly.
Woodland and Wildflowers
AI Partnership Funded project, working to create, enhance & restore species-rich grasslands and woodlands in the Mendip area.
Brue Green Pathways
A project that aims to promote and develop the riverside walks in Highbridge through better access, promotion, signage and habitat work.
West Somerset Wildways
A Wilder Coast community engagement project enabling people of all ages to engage with wildlife through activities and events.
Wilder Communities 30x30
Projects with communities along three priority nature recovery corridors to increase the number of people taking positive actions for nature
Past projects
Co-adapt: Adapting the Levels
A partnership project dedicated to empowering those who live and work on the Somerset Levels to take action on Climate Adaptation.
Mendip Wildlife Links
A project working with communities and landowners throughout East Mendip to restore and link up wildlife habitats.
Avalon Marshes Wetland Wonderland
A partner project led by Somerset Wildlife Trust working with one of its Avalon Marshes Partners, the RSPB.
Out of the Ashes
A project helping to tackle the management of Ash Dieback and ecological restoration across 300 hectares of diseased woodland.