Wilder Open Gardens-Sign-up

Elephant hawkmoth on flowers

WildNet - Tom Marshall

Be the voice for nature

Sign up to host a Wilder Open Garden!

Wilder Open Garden Sign up form

By signing up for your resource pack and adding your event to the Wilder Open Garden map, we can support you in the lead up to and after your big day, to help you share your wildlife gardening tips and reach your fundraising goals. 

You’ll receive:

⭕ Fundraising advice from Kate, our Community Fundraising Manager
⭕ Wildlife gardening tips and advice
⭕ A Wilder Open Garden pack filled with top tips and ideas
⭕ Regular updates on how your fundraising makes a difference

If you have any questions, please email Kate at fundraising@somersetwildlife.org or call me on 01823 652404. We're looking forward to welcoming you to our team of Wilder Open Garden hosts!

Your contact details

Please add your contact details so we can support you with your fundraising and keep you up to date with everything you need to know about hosting a Wilder Open Garden.
Please tick the boxes that confirm how you would like to hear from us.
We promise to never sell your details to other organisations. Please note, if you do not tick any of the boxes we may not be able to share with you details of our work that may be of interest.  You can change your communication preferences at any time’ by emailing us at membership@somersetwildlife.org or by calling us on 01823 652429.  To find out how we use and protect your personal data and your rights, please see our Privacy Policy.