Safely enjoying our reserves

Wooden boardwalk at Avalon Marshes

Safely enjoying our reserves

Helpful advice and guidance for an enjoyable and safe trip to the outdoors

We're proud that our nature reserves are inviting places for people who want to walk in nature. Through sensitive management and dedicated conservation work, they have become vital refuges and safe havens where wildlife has the space to live, feed and breed.

We want you to visit and enjoy our nature reserves, but it is also important that we are able to explain how you can also play a part in ensuring that these special places remain safe and secure for our wildlife - which is their primary purpose.  We support the Countryside Code in helping guide you through nature. Introduced in 1951 as an amendment in the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, it was rebranded the Countryside Code in 2004. It is managed by both Natural England and Natural Resources Wales.

Know what to expect and what you can do

Please check details of the reserve you are planning to visit in advance, as access at different times of the year may vary due to weather conditions.  More information, such as finding downloadable route maps or guides, directions to accessible parking and gaining an understanding of areas where dog walking is or isn't permitted can be found on each reserve page. 

Explore our Nature Reserves


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