How can we make a difference together?
Together we can bring back wildlife. The things that we do, the action we take, the contributions we make all add up to a Wilder Future for Somerset. One where both people and wildlife thrive alongside each other. We can't do what we do without you. This channel includes videos that hopefully bring to life the projects, the campaigns, the conservation areas that we focus on to help Somerset's natural environment, which will hopefully inspire you to join our cause.
On Monday 29 June 2020, Craig Bennett, Chief Executive of The Wildlife Trusts, will be live with a fantastic panel of experts discussing whether we need to press the reset button on our relationship with nature as we emerge from Covid-19.
Wilder Future
Wilder Future is the brand 'umbrella' under which many of our key public facing, movement-wide external campaigns operate under. A Wilder Future project or campaign encourages people to actively participate and engage with our work, value nature, and to take a further step in standing up for the natural world in the county, whether that's gardening for wildlife or contacting their MP about an important conservation issue. The natural world needs more heroes.
The Wind in the Willows Trailer for a Wilder Future.
David Attenborough film (
The Wildlife Trusts
David Attenborough joins our call for a Nature Recovery Network, in this short film created in partnership with CampaignFilm (
Action for Insects
The Action for Insects campaign is a response to the catastrophic decline of insect populations highlighted in a report by Professor Dave Goulson. It's crucial we reverse this decline as the jobs they do are vital for the survival of the entire planet!
Action for insects promo (
Devon Wildlife Trust
Professor Goulson tells us why insects are essential and why he is supporting The Wildlife Trusts Action for Insects.
Sophie Pavelle for Action For Insects (
Devon Wildlife Trust
Sophie tells us why she is taking Action for Insects.
Amazing insects (
Devon Wildlife Trust
Learn more about some of our amazing insects!
30 Days Wild
30 Days wild is an annual nationwide campaign from the Wildlife Trusts to get the entire UK finding ways to connect and engage with nature for the entire month of June - for our health and wellbeing, for our wildlife and habitats and to make sure that we grow the number of people and communities looking after nature in the future. You can sign up now for your free digital pack to get to ready for 30 days of wild!
30 Days Wild (
The Wildlife Trusts
Find out what 30 Days wild is all about and what you can do to join in!
Nature based solutions
Scottish Wildlife Trust
Find out how restoring and protecting nature has a critical role to play in the fight against climate change.
Scottish Wildlife Trust
This video outlines five impacts that climate change is having on nature, including ocean acidification, range shift and extinction risk.
Natural Solutions to climate crisis (
The Wildlife Trusts
On World Environment Day we are in a climate emergency and are witnessing a steady decline of nature. We cannot solve one without the other – nature’s recovery is vital for tackling climate change.
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