Every garden is a potential nature reserve
Gardening for wildlife is about creating habitats for animals and plants to thrive alongside people. It doesn’t require a lot of difficult management, but rather a general approach following some key principles. Research indicates that gardens can be havens for wildlife in an era of declining natural habitat and climate change.
What does the Wilder Gardening Group do?
The Wilder Gardening group (originally the Gardening for Wildlife group) was formed to provide support for those already enjoying wildlife gardening as well as to encourage others. We organise a newsletter and occasional events for all our group members.
Our Wilder Gardening Champions are knowledgeable volunteers will happily visit to give advice and guidance on how to create, develop or improve your green spaces. We also give talks to gardening and other related groups on any topics associated with wildlife gardening. If you would like to find out more about becoming a Wilder Gardening Champion, please visit our Volunteer Opportunities page.
The group have been involved in helping schools develop their grounds to increase biodiversity and maximise the learning potential for the children. Similarly we have assisted Community Groups to create and develop larger areas for wildlife as well as gardens.
Get in touch
To find out more or join the Wilder Gardening group please contact Penny Richards at penny.wildlifeways@gmail.com
To find out more about volunteering as Wilder Gardening Champion, please check the volunteer opportunities page.