
A bumblebee mimic hoverfly on a purple thistle flower. It's a fuzzy black and yellow hoverfly with a white tip to the abdomen, looking just like a bee. It's given away by its large eyes and short antennae

Volucella bombylans © Janet Packham

Be a hoverfly hero!

Become a hoverfly hero by making more space for these incredible insects. Whether you have a garden or just a window ledge to spare, you can lend hoverflies a hand.

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Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Citizen Science

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Restoring Somerset’s nature

With the help of volunteers and the support of over 23,000 members, we look after some of Somerset's most iconic landscapes and special wildlife. We restore, strengthen and connect habitats and green spaces on a landscape scale so nature can recover and thrive in the future. We inspire people and communities to put nature into their everyday life and stand up for the natural environment upon which we all depend.

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Things to do and places to go

The Wildlife Trusts play a very important part in protecting our natural heritage. I would encourage anyone who cares about wildlife to join them.
Sir David Attenborough

Jon Hawkins - Jon Hawkins – Surrey Hills Photography

Gardening for wildlife

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Roundleaved sundew close-up I stock Leszek Wygachiewicz

Roundleaved Sundew - Leszek Wygachiewicz

Westhay Moor Peatland Restoration

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Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, adult in breeding plumage, Scotland, June - Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Wilding at Honeygar

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Ubley Warren Nature Reserve

Ubley Warren Nature Reserve - Matt Sweeting

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