About our work

Donald Sutherland

What we do

About our work

Protect and restore

Somerset Wildlife Trust works to protect and restore wildlife on our own nature reserves and in the wider landscape. We do this through developing the counties key landscapes through work on our own reserves and working with neighbouring landowners and other key Somerset people and organisations.

Stag Beetle (Lucanus cervus), Suffolk, UK. Male on burned and rotting log in garden. Controlled situation. - Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

Nature Recovery

We need to create a Nature Recovery Network that extends into every part of our towns, cities and countryside, bringing wildlife and the benefits of a healthy natural world into every part of life.

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Greenfinch - Gillian Day

Our people

Find out more about our Trustees and employed staff here at Somerset Wildlife Trust.

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30 Days Wild care homes

Amy Lewis

Team Wilder

Bringing about the change that nature needs. Together. We need your help to tip the balance in nature's favour. We need you to join Team Wilder - people taking action for nature across the county that they care about.

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We have over 50 years experience and invaluable help from volunteers, members and supporters but despite that, nature is still declining.

WildNet - Amy Lewis

Campaigning for nature

We campaign for a wilder future, where everyone can benefit from and enjoy wildlife near them.

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A 7-spot ladybird, with 7 black spots on its red back, climbs a blue forget me not

7-spot ladybird © Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Our projects

We are involved in lots of projects across the county focussing on various areas from Nature and Habitat and Citizen Science projects to Team Wilder initiatives.

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WildNet - Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Somerset State of Nature

The first Somerset State of Nature report 2023 provides an important benchmark of how wildlife is faring across our county.

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Somerset Wildlife Trust's first ‘wilded’ site

When we look at taking a wilding approach, we are aiming to restore natural processes, including restoring missing species, and to see what species and habitats form. This is in contrast to the traditional conservation approach where an outcome is pre-determined and land is managed to achieve this. Find out more about Honeygar, our first 'Wilding' site on the Somerset Levels and Moors.

Stream near Honeygar

Stream near Honeygar, Kirby Everett



Honeygar is located between the Trust’s Westhay Moor NNR, Westhay Heath and Catcott nature reserves in the Avalon Marshes, one of the largest and most important wetland areas in the UK. 

As the Trust's first ‘wilded’ site - Honeygar will be managed very differently to our nature reserves and is a major project for the Trust, which will happen over many years.

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