Bloody crane's-bill

Bloody Crane's-bill

©Philip Precey

Bloody crane's-bill

Scientific name: Geranium sanguineum
Bloody crane's-bill has striking magenta flowers that pepper our rare limestone pavements, grasslands and sand dunes with summer colour. It is a favourite of all kinds of insects, including bumblebees.

Species information


Height: up to 25cm

Conservation status


When to see

June to August


The startling magenta flowers of Bloody crane's-bill are a stark contrast to the grey limestone pavements of the Dales and Welsh cliffs it favours. It can also be seen on calcareous grassland and sand dunes. It flowers between June and August, the flowers subtly changing colour as they fade.

How to identify

Bloody crane's-bill is a clump-forming perennial with deeply lobed, dark green leaves. Its large, magenta flowers are cup-shaped and have five petals; they sit on slender stalks.


Most common in North England, but also found in Wales. Absent from South East England.

Did you know?

The nectar-rich flowers of Bloody crane's-bill are a favourite of many species of bee, including Buff-tailed and White-tailed bumblebees.

How people can help

The Wildlife Trusts work closely with farmers, landowners, developers and companies to ensure that our wildlife is protected and to promote wildlife-friendly practices. By working together, we can create Living Landscapes: networks of habitats stretching across town and country that allow wildlife to move about freely and people to enjoy the benefits of nature. Support this greener vision for the future by joining your local Wildlife Trust.