The Great Somerset Wildlife Count

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The Great Somerset Wildlife Count

Join in and help make nature count!

What's it all about?

The Great Somerset Wildlife Count is Somerset Wildlife Trust’s community science initiative delivered in partnership with Somerset Environmental Records Centre (SERC). Its aim is to monitor changes in both the diversity (the variety) of wildlife species we have in the county and the abundance (the quantity) of species we have across the county - both of which also help us track the health of the habitats and ecosystems that exist to support them (and us), which are coming under increasing pressure from changes in our climate. 

The initiative comprises a number of targeted species counts through the year plus one big mega two week count in June as part of our 30 Days Wild programme which will focus on a range of species in one go.

SERC currently hold over 3 million data records but the majority are about protected or rare species mostly within good quality habitats.  There's a real gap in our knowledge about how we perceive (though not necessarily true) the more 'common' species are doing on a wider scale across the county. 
The Great Somerset Wildlife Count, supported by you as our eyes and ears on the ground, will help us ensure that we don't miss important wildlife trends, and can identify ways to protect species and their habitats before we lose them forever. Get counting!


  Find out more about SERC   More about citizen science

A bittern on wetlands

Photo: Jamie Hall

Previous count

Project Bittern

Our last count was the Project Bittern count, which ran from 14th March and 14th April 2024.

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Slow worm

Slow worm - Photo: Jim Higham

Current count

The Big Count 2024

Keep your eyes peeled between 17th and 26th June for The Big Count!

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