Make a pledge to look after your hedge
Somerset is a county blessed with an extensive network of hedgerows that are a vital part of our nature recovery network. Find out more about the importance of hedgerows, how to manage hedgerows,…
Somerset is a county blessed with an extensive network of hedgerows that are a vital part of our nature recovery network. Find out more about the importance of hedgerows, how to manage hedgerows,…
It won't have escaped your notice that the diminishing quality of our waters - both around our coastline and inland has been hitting news headlines recently. From water companies being fined…
Trees provide secure homes for wildlife whether hunter or prey, shelter from the elements, secure passage across our landscapes and enrich food sources for all manner of species. They capture…
On 5th March the Government announced it would phase out its intensive badger culling strategy and move more towards non-lethal interventions, such as cattle vaccination. Does this mean there is…