Blog: Wilder Somerset


Wilder Somerset meadow image

The legacy and future of the Local Area Groups

For almost as long as the Trust has been operating, we have had the support and enduring commitment from Local Area Groups. Here we explain the legacy and future of those groups as we move forward…


Make a pledge to look after your hedge

Somerset is a county blessed with an extensive network of hedgerows that are a vital part of our nature recovery network. Find out more about the importance of hedgerows, how to manage hedgerows,…

A photograph showing lots of garden tool handles

Mitigation, adaptation and resilience

It is hard in today’s world to avoid jargon, especially when it comes to the climate emergency we all face. Three words that often used are mitigation, adaptation and resilience. Steve Mewes, our…

Beaver on grassy bank

Beavering away to find natural solutions

The reintroduction of this semi-aquatic rodent, hunted to extinction in the UK by the 16th century for its pelt, is the subject of keen interest and debate amongst conservationists, landowners and…

Wind in the Willows characters Mole, Ratty, Badger and Mr Toad protest for a Wilder Future

Feeling Eco-anxiety? You aren't alone!

Psychology today describes eco-anxiety as “a fairly recent psychological disorder afflicting an increasing number of individuals who worry about the environmental crisis”.
